Experiments in Post and Para Autonomous Practices

15/01 2005

Welcome to iBeck.net


nebojsa if we were

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davidg R - I dont want to disrupt your flow but I wonder whether it is possble during your description to say something about the emergence of the poetic, and what you mean by this?

davidg so how do we build bridges to communicate with each other..and look at the very valuable insights each of us has?

davidg each member of the group prior to meeting at that point to deliver information

davidg When do you and the Bienniale office need all the information?

davidg The problem that surfaced yet again, and which took up the majority of the second session was whether it is necessary to understand the concept of post autonomy, along with the other terms, before it is possible to have the confidence to en

rbasbaum yes - all thise issues come to the foreground

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rbasbaum because from my side i have been organizing the project and its concepts for years

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davidg So trying to respond to Claire's questions is probably similar to people trying to engage with the discussion on this site

davidg Can I come back to the initial statement I made at the beginning concerning language/speech - do we use to conceptualise or make something understandable

magda as well as outside of capitalist relations

davidg in other words I think there is a possibility for a much more flexible and fluid approx to the Euro-centric tradition

davidg Is it worth while each person saying something about this - or would that be too long winded?

davidg This I suggested allows for the possibility for a fundamental reconfiguration of how contemporary culture is understood and operates.

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davidg who has organised projects here in London and Europe

davidg D:It feels like it is!

Benek Do you mean us or the group that gravitated around the Xmas project?

rbasbaum and I dont want to hide it - but now it start to be more and more important to bring the documentation more to the foreground

davidg I think there was an idea that someone new should kick off the discussion each week, is that a good idea?

davidg and is very much the beginning point for the formation of a new model

davidg and to actively act on any suggestions there and then

davidg and in that zone we invited whoever was interested to cross over to take part in a debate about the conditions of contemporary culture

aestheticmanagement I don't know these projects - I'll have to at least google them later

davidg anyway say some more things about you in the gao pictures

aestheticmanagement perhaps the idea of PA lies somewhere in this partiality?

magda i posted few things which have not appeared

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inga huh, fringe, I don't know

davidg - utions, and open-up this line and direction of thinking

inga its an okay criteria, maybe

Sönke sorry, but have to leave in a minute

28/03 2006


[25/03 09:58] *** davidg has joined the chatbox

[25/03 10:00] *davidg* Today there is a discussion into issues of Art and Autonomy and Art and Post Autonomy

[25/03 10:02] *davidg* The event will be structured into approx half an hour per issue

[25/03 10:03] *davidg* and is intended as an opportunity for any one to join in an informal discussion that covers

[25/03 10:04] *davidg* the basic issues around Autonomy in art

[25/03 10:04] *davidg* and issues of Post Autonomy in art

[25/03 10:04] *davidg* and the relationship of the existence of autonomy to the existence of art

[25/03 10:05] *davidg* The purpose is to set up an informal situation

[25/03 10:06] *davidg* where people are encouraged to put forward any ideas, thoughts, feelings, hunches concerning these issues

[25/03 10:07] *davidg* without using a specialist language

[25/03 10:07] *davidg* The purpose of the event is to find out what people think about these issues

[25/03 10:08] *davidg* and to look at establishing an environment where people feel comfortable to join in a dialogue!

[25/03 10:11] *davidg* For most of the time during the event my role will be to keep an eye on the time and introduce the new issue or theme at the right time

[25/03 10:13] *davidg* and intervene if the discussion or issues that are introduced by other people diverts from the issue that is up for debate during that time

[25/03 10:14] *davidg* All that is asked from anyone who puts forward an opinion is to respect other peoples views and the intentions of this project

[25/03 10:16] *davidg* For the purpose of the experiment I propose to go with the project until approx 2pm gmt

[25/03 10:18] *davidg* If there is an audience by that time then will continue until 6pm, if not we will finish the project at that point

[25/03 10:22] *davidg* Roughly each half an hour I will introduce a new issue for debate, at which time if there is a discussion into issues raised by the previous issue then I would hope that people will stop at that point so we can quickly get onto the next iss

[25/03 10:23] *davidg* issue. If you want to develop a point any further you can bring it up at the end of the event, around 5pm, or send in an article developing your argument to the website

[25/03 10:24] *davidg* The event will start by looking at general questions and issues looking at the relationship of art and autonomy

[25/03 10:26] *davidg* Question 1) Why do people get upset at the thought that autonomy doesnt exist in art?

[25/03 10:41] *** davidg has left the chatbox

09/04 2006

RDF input

post-autonomy on-line -

  • Transeuropa Festival

    05/06/2011 - 14:00
    05/14/2011 - 18:31

    The Rochelle School, Arnold Circus, London E2 7ES


    Full details can be found onwww.transeuropafestival.eu


  • Post Autonomy today 2nd series for Resonance104.4fm arts radio station

    We currently working on the second series of events/talks under the title Post Autonomy today for Resonance FM. The final details should be in place next week, and when they are they will be posted here.


  • Imagining Commoniversity

    The workshop"Imagining Commoniversity" by Hackitectura.net will take
    place in the context of the project Visualizing Transnationalism,
    taking as starting point the assumption of University as a Common to
    engage with the recent university protests in the UK as well as the
    European movements experience that emerged in the last years to tackle
    the Bologna process issue. As a temporary laboratory, the workshop will
    join, continue and collaborate with exisiting european activists
    campaigns and actions, connecing to"Commoniversity" network that met at

    read more

